Saturday, June 12, 2010


...from being SO FULL all the time. So we opted not to go out to dinner our last night in Cannes but to stay in and have a picnic of our favs!!! YUMMMMM! We had Chocolat Fondant but one of us (Marissa) ate it all before we could get it in the picture. We had Tomme Cheese thanks to our friend George for teaching us about the local cheese, a fresh baguette, cherry tomatoes still on the vine, grapes, mouth-watering nectarines, apples, and ended with our shortbread cookie. WE ARE SOOOO HAPPY AND SOOOOO FULL. How did that happen again? IT IS ALL SOOOOOO GOOD!!! We have to go finish our cookies...

We're Dreaming of Swarovski Dinnerware...

Who wouldn't want Bikini Dine on Swarovski Crystalware adorned with Bling? Only in Saint Tropez...or Malibu!

Tai's Bodyguard to Keep Away the "Men Bearing Apertif's!!!

Lunch at Nikki Beach

Nikki Beach. It was an American day from the start. With our coffee to go setting the tone. The waiter at Nikki Beach laughed as Marissa ordered sushi and french fries for lunch and Tai had a "simply grilled" chicken breast with steamed veggies! The in town we both had Glaciers -- enough that made our tummies hurt. Marissa had Nutella mixed with Coffee and Tai had Vanilla mixed with Coffee.

Meet the Lobster Du Jour We Passed on Eating!

Around Town...

...Saint Tropez...

Colors (Treats) of Saint Tropez...

Marissa & Tai in Saint Tropez...

On The Way...


We found COFFEE TO GO!!!!!!! at Le Croq Cafe!

A Kind Message

Deborah Pouliot June 12 at 4:21am

Hey Tai, I was thinking about this book possibility. You've probably already got it in the works, but I wanted to run some ideas past you. I was thinking about the whole picture of this trip you're doing. You've got the recipes going and lots of pics of your travels. How about something regarding how you're both managing to stay fit? That can be a challenge when traveling, especially when the hotel does not have a gym and there's so many wonderful (but calorie laden dishes). I'm thinking you and Marissa have an exercise routine that can easily be done in your room or outside on the beach (or both). You must share with us, "your fans"... please.

How you're managing to stay in shape while partaking in the many indulgences that Europe has to offer- we want to know. Are you doing yoga/pilates? Have you come up with your own routine that can be done without your trainer. Here at home, I have been using an exercise band (great for travel) and a hula hoop that comes apart. I must say, it would awesome to see that you and Marissa were hooping on the beach - maybe you can save that video for when your return home. You do live on the beach- what a wonderful opportunity to do an exercise vid showing us all how to be (or get) into bikini shape!! Okay, I'm sorta just rambling now. I'm just so excited for you both -I'm sure you realize how inspiring this whole thing is. All the wonderful experiences you're having and you're kind enough to share it with your "fans". Can't wait to see more!!

Have a blast and stay safe!! XOXOXO Deb