Saturday, August 7, 2010

After Margaritas...

...more "We're crazy" fun!

More Olvera Street

We had amazing margaritas and lunch while being serenaded by the mariachis at Casa La Golondrina. Yummm...we got tipsy!

Ole to a Donkey Riding, Rifle Slingin, Sombrero Wearing, Margarita Drinkin, Mariachi Serenading Day in LA!

Ole! Who says you have to go cross the border to go to Mexico? We had a festive day of dancing, margaritasmariachi's, and a fun donkey ride (no it's not real)! Olivera Street was so fun with our friends visiting from Dallas -- Jimmy, Janet & Gail. And Debi is still here too!
Donkey w/Debi, Tai, Marissa, Janet & Gail

Here's a cool video about Olvera Street!